Post tagged: administration

Automated Stage3 Gentoo Install Using Ansible


The objective is to, as far as possible, fully automate a stage3 Gentoo build. While we're at it, we'd like to add some flexibility in building different kernel configurations or passing in different parameters like the initial username, passwords, etc.

Ansible fits the bill for this task ...

Configuring OpenSwan IPSec Server


The intent of this article is to walk through the installation, configuration, and general debugging of OpenSwan based IPSec tunnels. Though primarily focused on Ubuntu & Debian systems, non-package management portions should apply generally.

Installation & Initial Configuration

We install using apt-get or aptitude.

% apt-get install openswan

For a basic PSK ...

A Boilerplate Comparison: Puppet


Here we cover the steps for deploying a package to a puppet agent/node. Like with chef, we assume a working installation.

Though I must take the opportunity to comment that the installation process for puppet was ridiculously easy.

The ridiculously easy way

Package installation can be performed completely ...

Infrastructure Automation: A Boilerplate Comparison


We've been using Chef to deploy our infrastructure for a while now. One of the main sticking points we've run into is the barrier to entry for develoepers as a result of the boiler plate required to perform a simple deployment task. Our ideal framework would be ...

Chef Alternatives for Debian/Ubuntu

An update-alternatives script for chef. Currently only sets up a version installed in the 1.9.1 gems directory, but extendable to any version easily enough.

update-alternatives \
   --install /usr/bin/chef-client chef ...

Ruby Alternatives for Debian/Ubuntu

A quick update-alternatives script for ruby versions on debian based systems. It only includes the ruby binaries, man pages, etc. included in the ruby1.8 and ruby1.9.1 debs. It's defaults to '1.9' when in auto mode.

After running the script, you can switch between ruby version ...

Fixing repetitive software firewall prompts in OSX

Sometimes the OS X software firewall gets stuck in a loop and will continuously prompt to allow network access for an application.



I've seen this happen a couple of times with iTunes. Though it can happen with any application. A common cause is changing icons of system ...

Useful Defaults Hacks for OS X

  • Disable Guest Accounts for Shares on OSX Tiger

    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ guestAccess -bool false
  • Disable Dashboard

    defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean YES
  • Reduce Safari Rendering delay

    defaults write WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay 0.25
  • Increase animation speed of sheets

    defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSWindowResizeTime ...